Zelle Donations
Zelle ID: cfo@istulsa.org

If your bank allows you to use Zelle for money transfers, please use that as your default option to setup recurring donation to IST. Zelle is completely free and 100% of your donation will go towards the cause you have selected.

Mohid Donations
Direct withdrawal (ACH)

Mohid not only gives you the option for donating using your credit / debit card but it also allows you to make a donation using your bank account. It is an excellent option for those who would rather not use a Credit / Debit Card for their transactions. It is quick and easy to setup. Your transaction is secure and IST does not retain any of your account information.

Best of all, you will still have the option to pick a category for which you want to donate and choose between a one-time payment or a recurring payment option.

NOTE: By clikcing on the link below, you will be directed to Mohid's website. You can simply close the window once you complete the transaction to get back to the IST website.

Donations  Using  Mohid