Contact Administration: [] Phone Number - 918-640-1711
Contact Teachers: Set the appointment by sending a message to administration email above. Do not talk to any teacher during the class time.
School updates: Parent acknowledge to join Quran Academy WhatsApp group for school updates alert. [link to group]
Withdraw student(s) and stop the automatic payment: Please fill out the withdrawal form and submit in person or
send via email to administration contact above. Withdrawal form is , also on ISTULSA.ORG
Any change of information: Fill out the enrollment form with new information and send it to administration. You can
get the form , or on ISTULSA.ORG
Your cell phone number and email address will be automatically enrolled in IST messaging system. Please check your
email and text messages frequently for important updates from administration.
*Note: - Tuition Auto-Deduction happens on monthly basis, The Withdrawal Form must be received before 20th of the Month to stop
payment for next month.